Sunday 30 November 2014

Main Task - Lighting and Colour Research

To fit with the personality of our main character Peter, we wanted to limit the light coming into the room in which we were going to film. To achieve this look, we made sure the blind was blocking out most of the light from the window, and that the only light source in the room was a small desk lamp placed next to the laptop.
Although we wanted the room to be quite black and dark, we also wanted tones of blue, similar to David Fincher, so that we could further communicate to the audience the depressed and lonely world in which Peter lives.

Including the tones of blue whilst filming proved to be quit challenging. However, this wasn't a problem as we were able to change the colour palette of the film in post production using a simple programme on the Mac's called 'Colour'. We chose to increase the levels of blue in most of the shots, and also the levels of red to communicate to the audience Peter's anger. When these two colours were increased together, it gave the overall piece a very purple hue, which I feel fitted with the mood of the opening, and the personality of the character in the scene.

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