Wednesday 5 November 2014

Film Opening - Inglorious Basterds

'Inglorious Basterds' by Quentin Tarantino is a war film, released in 2009, following the genres of action and adventure, whilst featuring some black comedy.

The film begins with a black screen, before stars appear, leading on to the Universal logo appearing on the screen for 6 seconds. However, the logo is noticeably an old Universal logo, hinting to the audience that the film will be set in a time prior to now. The Weinstein Company logo then appears on the screen and stays there for 8 seconds. The lights that create the letter W of the logo disappear one light at a time, creating a black screen. At this point, the music titled 'The Green Leaves of Summer' comes in, and the opening titles begin. The first titles are of the production companies involved. It then says 'A film by Quentin Tarantino', before a crescendo in the music occurs, and the title 'Inglorious Basterds' appears on the screen 27 seconds into the film. There is a change in typeface when the title appears, and the typeface makes it look like the title has been hand written, as seen below.

We have another change in typeface as we shown the main cast of the film. This continues for 30 seconds, and the typeface can be seen below.


We have yet another change in typeface, and a change in colour from yellow to white. We are shown the co-stars of the movie for 7 seconds, when we are then shown the guest stars of the movie.

At this point we have another change in typeface, which can be seen below. This continues for 23 seconds.


A black screen is then maintained for 13 seconds, whilst the music starts to die down, before the action itself begins. The film fades in to an establishing shot of the location, and from this we are able to tell that the setting is quite rural, and maybe in a time prior to now, reinforcing what we had perceived from the Universal logo. The sound of chopping wood can be heard in from the establishing shot, and this sound must be overdubbed in the post-production stage, as the sound would not be that loud with a shot from such as distance. This shot is sustained for 8 seconds, before we cut to a tilt up low angle shot of a man chopping. The sound of chopping wood is still heard, and this shot lasts for 5 seconds, before we cut to a mid shot of a girl putting washing on the line, which then cuts to a shallower shot in the form of a medium close up, in which we can hear a quite humming sound, to which the girl reacts to, by pulling the washing to the side. As she does this, there is a fantastic shift in focus to show us probably where this humming is coming from, which can be seen below.

At this point, a piece of music titled 'The Verdict (Dopo la Condanna)' begins to play, which is an edited version of Fur Elise, with this piece containing guitar strums, giving the music a completely different feel to the original. We hear our first dialogue of the movie, as the girl turns and says 'Papa', whilst the music continues in the background, and we cut to a low angle shot of the man as he stops cutting, to answer to the girl's worries. We then see a wide shot, in order to finalise with the audience what the humming had been coming from earlier, as the cars come closer to the camera, and inevitably to the characters we have met in the scene. It cuts back to the low angle shot of the man, and then a mid shot of two girls, whom we had not met yet, as they leave the house. These cuts are quite fast, to show that these moments are happening in quick succession of each other. We then cut to a 3 up in the form of a medium close up, as the man sends 2 of the three girls back inside speaking in a foreign language, communicating to the audience this film is perhaps set in a different country. This is then the end of the opening 2 minutes 40 seconds.

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