Friday 14 November 2014

Film Opening - Drama - uwantmetokillhim?

'uwantmetokillhim?' is a 2013 drama thriller film, directed by Andrew Douglas.

The film begins with the 'e one entertainment' logo fading onto the screen, and it is also accompanied by the music that is typically used when this logo is shown on screen. Up until 1:18, a variety of production logos are shown, including 'The Weinstein Company', 'Bad Hat Harry' and 'Jumping Jack Films'.

At 1;18, a black screen is used, and white writing appears on the left hand side of the screen saying 'June 29, 2003 - North London', and whilst this is on screen, there is some sort of rumbling happening, but as an audience, we don't know where this rumbling is coming from. This writing then disappears, leaving us with a black screen for 2 seconds. The use of a black screen allows the audience to begin to from questions as to why this date is important, especially due to the fact that the film itself was released 10 years after the date mentioned. At 1:27, it cuts to a medium close up of the back of a young male's head which has very closely shaved hair. He is also wearing a hoodie, which has connotations of gang culture, and built up, urban areas. A tracking shot it used at this point to create a connection between audience and this character, as it feels like
you are following them, however it can also make the audience feel slightly uncomfortable as it feels like you are following them. This tracking shot continues through different areas of an urban location until 1:38, when a 2 second black screen is used again. This is probably used to give the audience a chance to take in the information that they are being shown visually. The tracking shot then continues at 1:40, but this
time the shot is facing the character, so we as the audience get to see the face of this ominous character for the first time. The facial expression of the character on screen easily communicates to the audience that something is wrong, as he looks very nervous. It then cuts to black again, however this time for 4 seconds, probably due to the fact that the identity of this hooded figure has just been revealed to the audience, which they will need some time to start questioning who this person is. It then cuts to a close
up of what appears to be a blade wrapped up in a cloth in the man's hand. The use of a close up ensures that the audience notice what is in this mans hand. It then cuts to the shot of his face again, before cutting to a black screen, when we are finally told the title of the movie, 'uwantmetokillhim?'. We as an audience are also shown a second piece of writing on the black screen, which always help to make a film more powerful, and that is 'based on a true story'.

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