Thursday 30 April 2015

Evaluation - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think that my knowledge of film has improved greatly since we created our preliminary task. Both my knowledge of film as a whole, as well as my approach to the film making process has allowed myself and my group to create a far better final product for our main task.

When we created our preliminary task, we were very new to the film making process, and as it is evident in the film itself, and knowledge of shot types was very basic, and I feel we were slightly scared of experimenting too much with our shots, in case it was ‘wrong’. In our preliminary task, we used a simple idea of shot-reverse-shot, whereas in our main task, we were far more experimental, our tracking shot being a prime example of this, as I feel that by this point, we felt a lot more comfortable with the cameras.

We took very little time doing pre-production, choosing to film in a classroom that didn’t dress to make a believable restaurant. Also, we didn’t think very much about costume, as it was simply something we had found in the costume cupboard of the drama studio. Whereas, during our main task, we took much longer doing pre-production, as we had several different storyboards in case the tracking shot didn’t work.

Overall, I feel that when we did the preliminary task, we had no idea just how much planning would go in to a professional piece of work, but I feel that after creating our film opening, we are far more aware of the time and resources that goes into creating a film, no matter what it’s budget is.

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