Saturday 25 October 2014

Prelimianry Task - Production

We chose to film over the course of two days as we felt we may not have enough time to film everything we needed in one day. The set up of our location can be seen below.

We rearranged the tables into tables for 2 and tables for 4. We also positioned our extra to make it appear as though they were on dates, with friends etc. When we filmed, we filmed the entire scene for each shot type, so that when it came to editing, it would be a lot easier for us to edit, making the process as lot shorter.

We encountered several problems whilst we were filming:
  • Firstly, myself and Grace (assistant director) had agreed to act in the other groups film, which was being filmed on the same day as us. Unknowingly, myself and Grace went to be filmed, not realising that our group had no one to film, as the scenes of our film required Grace to be in them.
  • Also, because we filmed over two days, we had to use two different lots of extras, meaning we lost the match-on-action, hence why we re-filmed most of the scenes that had been filmed on the first day.
  • On the second day, our camera man couldn't be there, so myself and Chloe (the director) had to learn very quickly how to use the camera so that we could finish filming.
From this, I have learnt that it is best to film all of your scenes on one day, as it prevent any chance of people wearing different clothes, or having a different hairstyle. Also, I know now that it is much easier to film when all of your cast are there, that way you don't have to take 2 roles in the group.

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