Friday 30 January 2015

Main Task - Shooting Journal - Post Production - Typing

Another problem we faced was the fact that we wanted to have the titles all typed out on the screen, but this sound would have to be recorded after the visuals had been created, so as a group, we had the very tedious task of trying to match the sound of the typing with the typing that was actually happening on the screen. It was very difficult to do, as each of the titles had typing at different speeds, so we weren't able to just use the same sound from each of the title screens.
Also, we knew that the keys on a keyboard tend to all make slightly different sounds, so we needed to make the sound realistic by using different keys on the keyboard. This took a very long duration of time, as we had several different title screens that we needed to do the same process to, so it became a very repetitive job.
When inserting the sound of the typing, we forgot to lock the other layers of sound, so we ended up having all of the sound moving around, which took quite a lot of time to move back to the original placing.
However, once we managed to do it, it gave us the effect that we had hoped it would, so although it was a long process, it was very worthwhile as it made it look and sound just like we had hoped it would.

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